Callaway Golf Big Bertha OS Senior Irons - Callaway Golf Irons

Big Bertha OS Senior Irons - Callaway Golf Irons from
Best price

Just $511.99

on Wed 29-Jan-2020

at CallawayGolfPreowned


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Callaway Golf Big Bertha OS Senior Irons - Callaway Golf Irons

Big Bertha OS Senior Irons - Callaway Golf Irons

Big Bertha OS Senior Irons are lighter in overall weight, with more loft to promote faster ball speed and higher launch angle to make it easy to get the ball in the air. Get more distance in an entirely new way, led by extraordinary light and strong Exo-Cage that allows us to strategically position weight to increase forgiveness, and helps our industry-leading, next-generation 360 Face Cup produce even faster ball speeds and more distance.

Callaway Golf Big Bertha OS Senior Irons - Callaway Golf Irons
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