Girls Flower Power Hippie Fancy Dress Costume

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Girls Flower Power Hippie Fancy Dress Costume

Manufacturer: Rubies Costume Co. Inc

Girls Flower Power Hippie Fancy Dress Costume

Somehow, kids always love the hippie thing. We're not sure why. Studies show a passion for all things hippie is a simple and safe way for kids to "stick it to the Man," although who "the Man" is we're not really sure- wait! Does that mean we're the Man? No! It can't be! We're still young and hip and like, totally chill, bro. Hey kids, have you heard about this thing called Facebook? Oh no, we really are the Man. And here we thought we were just flower children living off Mother Nature and being true to our inner spirits.

Well fine, you darn hippies. Have it your way. You want us to be the Man, we're the Man. And we're here to tell you to get a job! Get a... stay in school! Yeah! What are you even doing getting a job when you should be in school? Honestly, kids today. So irresponsible. Next you'll tell us you do your learning on a computer. Whatever happened to a good old fashioned library? What do you mean "what's a library?" It's a place with any book you could ask for. No, not like Amazon (*shaking our fist in the air*).

If you want your kid rebelling against our society and waving their peace signs in the air with recklessly then by all means, get them this costume. Just don't blame us when things get out of hand. We're the Man. Flashy colors? Flowers? Bell bottoms? Tons of fringe? How dare you! Kids today are out of control!

Girl's Flower Power Hippie Costume


Whether or not you agree with everything hippies said and did, there is one thing that everyone can agree on. They had an awesome and totally groovy sense of style. They were progressive in so many ways, and style was definitely one! Their fashion was bold, with psychedelic patterns and colors so bright, they put the sun to shame. Their fashion reflected their lifestyle; they lived free, easy, and boldly.

Are you going to be able to live like this? Are you going to be able to live up to the costume you are wearing? You're going to have to be free and easy and carefree! But don't let the burden of it stress you out, that goes against your new lifestyle! Just take it step by step, day by day, and enjoy!


This flower power costume will serve as a constant reminder of your newfound lifestyle! You'll be wearing a black stretchy tube top under a large vest. The vest is covered in flower print and has a fringed hemline. The pants are made of the same material as the vest and have an elastic waistband to hold them in place through even the rowdiest of music festivals! Now all you will need to grab is the wig and the jewelry, and your costume will be complete.


We know this is probably a stretch, but if you happen to have a big van, you should totally paint it to match your costume. Cruising around in a hippie van would make for a truly next level costume. It would just be a shame that you couldn't bring it inside with you wherever you go; a costume that comes complete with a vehicle is the most all out costume we have ever heard of. We know it's probably unrealistic, but if you can make it happen, do it!

Manufacturer: RUBIES

Flower Power Child Costume

You’ll look positively groovy wearing this Flower Power Child Costume. Whether you’re in love with the 60’s in spirit or you just think this costume looks great for a laugh you’ll have a far out time. This outfit includes a vest and pants which feature a rainbow colored assortment of flowers just the sort of pop of color you need to stand out this Halloween. It also comes with a simple but cool black tube top. This is an easy costume to accessorize with and is perfect for those who like to get creative during the Halloween season.
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