Proclearz Fungal Shield BrushOn Antifungal Liquid Maximum Strength 1 Oz by Pro Clearz

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Proclearz Fungal Shield BrushOn Antifungal Liquid Maximum Strength 1 Oz by Pro Clearz

Proclearz Fungal Shield

Manufacturer: Pro Clearz

Proclearz Fungal Shield BrushOn Antifungal Liquid Maximum Strength 1 Oz by Pro Clearz

For the cure of Athletes foot (tinea pedis) jock itch (tinea cruris) ringworm (tinea corporis). For the relief of Itching cracking burning scaling discomfort associated with the above conditions. Brushon applicator designed to reach skin areas around & under nails. Safe & effective clear formula dries quickly without any unpleasant odors. Now with moisturizers.
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