Anchor Hocking 4pc Palladian Canister Set w/ Window in Stainless

Anchor 4 Pc. Palladian Brushed S/S Window Cylinder from Tiger Direct
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on Fri 13-Nov-2020

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Anchor Hocking 4pc Palladian Canister Set w/ Window in Stainless

Anchor Hocking 4pc Palladian Canister Set w/ Window in Stainless

Narrow and uniform, these Stainless Steel jars will display your pasta, coffee, or anything else that you want to keep fresher longer. What could make them even better? They're completely stackable!

Manufacturer: Anchor Hocking

Anchor 4 Pc. Palladian Brushed S/S Window Cylinder

Anchor 4 Pc. Palladian Brushed S/S Window Cylinder Set (97564)
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