Victorinox 53503 Swiss Champ Black Swiss Army Knife

Victorinox swisschamp from DataVision
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Victorinox 53503 Swiss Champ Black Swiss Army Knife

Victorinox 53503 Swiss Champ Black Swiss Army Knife

This Victorinox 53503 Swiss Champ Black Swiss Army Knife is the top-notch Swiss knife with an impressive 32 different functions. Included here are flat-head screwdriver with a cap lifter\, two blades\, Phillips screwdriver\, wirestripper\, crimper\, cutter\, corkscrew\, can/bottle opener\, toothpick\, tweezers\, scissors\, magnifying glass\, wood saw\, pliers\, fish scaler\, hook disgorger\, ruler\, nail file\, reamer\, ballpoint pen and several other features. Lightweight\, compact\, built to last with many of the tools being removable\, this exquisite Swiss Army Knife is like having a toolbox in your pocket!

Manufacturer: Victorinox

Victorinox swisschamp

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