Rico Graftonite Clarinet Mouthpiece B5

Rico Graftonite Clarinet Mouthpiece B5 from Woodwind & Brasswind
Best price

Just $17.85

on Tue 07-Apr-2020

at Woodwind & Brasswind


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Rico Graftonite Clarinet Mouthpiece B5

Rico Graftonite Clarinet Mouthpiece B5

Student or Pro . . . you'll love the response of these pieces. The extremely hard material from which the Rico Royal Graftonite Bb clarinet mouthpieces are made makes them amazingly vibrant and projecting. Perfect for marching band, the Rico Graftonite clarinet mouthpieces offer a wide variety of chamber designs from concert band to jazz.

Student or Pro . . . youll love the response of these pieces. The extremely hard material from which the Rico Royal Graftonite Bb clarinet mouthpieces are made makes them amazingly vibrant and projecting. Perfect for marching band, the Rico Graftonite clarinet mouthpieces offer a wide variety of chamber designs from concert band to jazz.
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