Alfred American Pride 1.5 (Easy) Standard

Alfred American Pride 1.5 (Easy) from Woodwind & Brasswind
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Alfred American Pride 1.5 (Easy) Standard

Alfred American Pride 1.5 (Easy)

This exciting and fun arrangement of two well-known patriotic songs is perfect for any occasion showing pride and appreciation for our country's freedoms. "You're a Grand Old Flag" and "America the Beautiful" will fill your students' and audiences' hearts with American pride. Great for a combined band concert grand finale. You can even invite the audience to sing along! Correlates with Sound Innovations for Concert Band Book 2, level 2.

This exciting and fun arrangement of two well-known patriotic songs is perfect for any occasion showing pride and appreciation for our country's freedoms. "You're a Grand Old Flag" and "America the Beautiful" will fill your students' and audiences' hearts with American pride. Great for a combined band concert grand finale. You can even invite the audience to sing along! Correlates with Sound Innovations for Concert Band Book 2, level 2.

Manufacturer: Alfred

This exciting and fun arrangement of two well-known patriotic songs is perfect for any occasion showing pride and appreciation for our countrys freedoms. Youre a Grand Old Flag and America the Beautiful will fill your students and audiences hearts with American pride. Great for a combined band concert grand finale. You can even invite the audience to sing along Correlates with Sound Innovations for Concert Band Book 2, level 2.

Alfred American Pride 1.5 (Easy) Standard

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