Crest 3D White Brilliance Toothpaste, Vibrant Peppermint 4.1

Crest 4.1 oz 3D Brilliance Toothpaste from Walgreens
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Crest 3D White Brilliance Toothpaste, Vibrant Peppermint 4.1

Manufacturer: Crest

Crest Brilliance Toothpaste Vibrant Peppermint - 4.1 oz

Brilliance Toothpaste Vibrant Peppermint Brilliance Toothpaste Vibrant Peppermint

Manufacturer: Crest 3D

Crest 3D White Brilliance Toothpaste, Vibrant Peppermint 4.1

Making brushing more brilliant with Crest 3D White Brilliance toothpaste. Designed exclusively by 3D White, Brilliance toothpaste works to enhance your smile’s beauty, using micro-cleansing whiteners to gently polish away surface stains with a freshness that provides a lasting, cooling sensation. 3D White Brilliance toothpaste uses its Illuminating Complex to leave your smile dazzlingly white and brilliantly clean by reaching areas between teeth with its gentle foaming action. It whitens by unlocking trapped surface stains and adds luster and shine after just one use, introducing you to a whitening and freshening experience like never before.

Crest 4.1 oz 3D Brilliance Toothpaste

Brighten your smile with Crest 4.1 oz 3D Brilliance Toothpaste. It's 3D White's Fastest Whitening Technology combined with our Advanced Stain Protection. It whitens your teeth by removing up to 95% of surface stains in 3 days. 3D White fluoride toothpaste also strengthens your tooth enamel and helps protect against cavities.
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