Sony hvl-f45rm compact, radio-controlled gn 45 camera flash with 1 display, black

Sony HVL-F45RM from DataVision
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Just $348.00

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Sony hvl-f45rm compact, radio-controlled gn 45 camera flash with 1 display, black

Sony HVL-F45RM

Test Description

Manufacturer: SONY

Sony Alpha HVL-F45RM Radio-Controlled Flash with Video Light

Supply powerful lighting with the compact high-performance Sony Alpha HVL-F45RM Radio-Controlled Flash with Video Light. Explore freedom of built-in wireless radio control in multi-flash settings and conventional optical wireless communication. Perfect for movies and stills the built-in LED light helps to control natural light. Count on reliable flash even in challenging outdoor conditions with specially designed seals at joints around the durable body to keep out dust and moisture.

Manufacturer: Sony

Sony hvl-f45rm compact, radio-controlled gn 45 camera flash with 1 display, black

Powerful, compact flash with a maximum lighting output up to GN45 has radio wireless communication that supports multi-flash photography and professional shooting. The HVL-F45RM ensures sufficient illumination even with bounce lighting or high-speed-sync (HSS) and the radio capabilities allow it to be used as a transmitter or a receiver at up to 98 (approx.) feet with up to 15 units in up to 5 groups, making it an ideal fit for creative lighting with multiple flashes.
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