Evans Eq3 Coated White Resonant Bass Drumhead White 22"

Evans 22'' EQ3 Resonant Coated White from Woodwind & Brasswind
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Just $35.00

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Evans Eq3 Coated White Resonant Bass Drumhead White 22"

Evans Eq3 Coated White Resonant Bass Drumhead White 22"

The 7mil EQ3 resonant head features the popular offset 5" microphone hole and an internal overtone control ring for a controlled, short decay that's ideal for both live and studio applications. The coating adds additional warmth, focus, and depth.

Manufacturer: Evans

Evans EQ3 Coated White Resonant Bass Drumhead White 22"

The 7mil EQ3 resonant head features the popular offset 5 microphone hole and an internal overtone control ring for a controlled, short decay thats ideal for both live and studio applications. The coating adds additional warmth, focus, and depth.

The 7mil EQ3 resonant head features the popular offset 5" microphone hole and an internal overtone control ring for a controlled, short decay that's ideal for both live and studio applications. The coating adds additional warmth, focus, and depth.

Evans 22'' EQ3 Resonant Coated White

To jest automatyczne tłumaczenie wygenerowane przez software: 22 "EQ3 z powłoką z białego basu Seria rezonansowa Evans ™ EQ3 ™ posiada odsunięcie 5" portu mikrofonu w pojedynczej warstwie o grubości 7,5 mil. Seria jest bardzo popularnym wyborem zarówno dla graczy, jak i inżynierów. Powlekana powierzchnia zapewnia więcej niższego rejestru i ataku.

Wykończenie: Coated Drumhead

Kolor: Biała

Średnica: 22"

Typ: Bass Resonant

Kraj pochodzenia: USA

Kolor według producenta: Biała

Liczba warstw: 1

Seria: EQ

Średnica (inch / cal): 22.0

Wariant: Biała
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