Women's Grecian Fancy Dress Costume Dress

Grecian Costume Dress For Adults from Fun.com
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Women's Grecian Fancy Dress Costume Dress

Manufacturer: California Costume Collection

Women's Grecian Fancy Dress Costume Dress

If you're planning a toga party, historical accuracy may not be on your priority list. So you maybe don't care that historical purists would insist that there was never any such thing as a Greek toga or a women's toga or a child's toga. And this Women's Grecian Dress ISN'T a toga. If you ARE interested in historical accuracy, this costume is actually a fairly accurate representation of what a Greek woman would have worn. The only difference is that an ancient version would have been ankle-length instead of above-the-knee. But the shape, the draping and the geometric trim are realistic. For a toga, party, however, perhaps you only care that it's cute--which it is!

Grecian Costume Dress For Adults


The Greeks built quite an empire. They had some of the most brilliant minds of the time, of ever, truthfully. They built incredible things and put together an empire that even Zeus could be proud of. So, with all of their other obvious signs of brilliance, we can't say we're surprised to see that they have also made some moves in the fashion industry that have stood the tests of time.

Even now, thousands of years later, we are still wearing togas. Sure, they might not be an everyday wear kind of item, but the fact that anyone is wearing them at all is incredibly impressive! After all, we don't expect to be seeing snapbacks or high top sneakers in 2000 years, so the fact that we still see togas is a testament to the Greeks and their awesome sense of style! The simple look of a white toga is so elegant and simple, it's nothing short of genius.


This costume embodies everything we love about togas, in the form of a dress! You'll be wearing a white sleeveless dress with gold trim across the shoulders and the skirt of the dress. To match these gold accents, we've also included a gold braid rope belt! The belt is draped around your waist and serves as an elegant accessory to this costume. We've also included a velvet drape. The drape is a regal shade of purple and hangs from your shoulder, giving this simple costume a sudden burst of color.


We are happy to see people wearing togas, but we think that people should be wearing them even more! Togas are so cool that we think they deserve to be an everyday kind of thing. So, when you wear your toga, make sure you show it off! Hopefully, you can be the trendsetter that brings togas back for good.
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