Toddler Ahoy Matey Pirate Costume | Toddler Pirate Costume

Ahoy Matey Pirate Costume for Toddlers from
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Toddler Ahoy Matey Pirate Costume | Toddler Pirate Costume

Manufacturer: California Costume Collection

Toddler Ahoy Matey Pirate Costume | Toddler Pirate Costume

Who'd have thought that your young one would end up leading a life of piracy, and at such a tender age, too? Why, there's no telling what sort of things your toddler will be up too as a pirate! He'll be searching for buried treasure in the backyard, drawing treasure maps with crayons and looting the cookie jar when no one's looking. But sometimes, you just got to let your kid live their dream of being the greatest buccaneer on the high seas. In fact, it's about time you did something to help your child be the best pirate out there!It's time you outfitted your little one like a real buccaneer. After all, if he's going to rise to the rank of captain, then he's going to need a pirate outfit that lets his crew know that he means business. This toddler Pirate Ahoy Matey costume is exactly the kind of outfit he needs. With a white swashbuckler shirt and a red vest with gold edging for added flair, this costume is one part adorable and one part pirate. The bandana has a gold skull emblem on the front to let the crew that he's one tough customer and he's out to get all loot he can get his hands on!Of course, there's nothing stopping you from joining your kid on his high seas adventures. We carry plenty of adult pirate costumes to go along with this toddler one, so you can suit up as your little one's first mate for a spot of treasure hunting!

Ahoy Matey Pirate Costume for Toddlers


Ahoy, ye filthy land-lubber! We be part of the pirate crew and we be looking for new pirates to join with the crew! Be warned! Our voyages be filled with many a dangerous passage, and all the monsters of da sea be after our treasure... Ahem. Er, that is, we had a really tough time crossing the parking-lot this morning as those stupid squirrels were after our lunches again. Ugh. Hate them.

Yeah, okay, so we might not be real pirates. But who wants to be a real pirate anyway? Real pirates lived in the age of scurvy! Without toothbrushes! We're more than happy to play pirate in the modern day instead, where we can buckle-swashes, and then go home to a nice bubble bath at the end of the day. As a matter of fact, we're pretty sure that's the best deal any pirate could ever hope for. So how about it. Does anyone you know want to be a pirate?

Fun Details

Because, if you do know someone who has a penchant for piracy, we might have just the thing for them. Our Toddler Ahoy Matey Pirate Costume would be perfect for any little pirates with high aspirations. This outfit comes with black pants with jagged hemlines and an elastic waistband, complete with red patches on the leg. The white shirt has attached red vest panels edged in metallic gold trim, and the cuffs of the shirt are ragged as well. It also comes with a bandana and waist tie in red and black stripes, with gold-colored skull buckles attached. Now, how piratical is that?

A Pirate's Life

Of course, if your little pirate wants to join our crew, they must first prove their bravery on the treacherous asphalt straight... that is, are they brave enough to cross the parking lot without letting the squirrels have their snack? That would be a mighty brave pirate indeed.
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