Disco Sensation Dress Costume for Women

Women's Disco Sensation Dress Costume from Fun.com
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Disco Sensation Dress Costume for Women

Manufacturer: California Costume Collection

Women's Disco Sensation Dress Costume

You’ve heard a number of times that we need to live in the now… live for the future… let go of the past… and many other idioms that speak of the ages of yesteryear being long behind us and holding us back from becoming who we might potentially be. The thing is… following that advice doesn’t seem to be making a clear and positive change in the present world, either! How are we to know that all this “present-living” is really having any impact at all if nothing seems to be changing!?

That’s why it’s crucial to ignore every one of those mantras and, instead, dive right back into the past where things made a heck of a lot more sense and the fashion ensured that we’d plant ourselves firmly into memory and last well into the future. That’s the real path to immortality, no doubt! People want to say, “Disco is dead!” but, if that were the truth, people wouldn’t need to keep trying to convince everyone of it, now would they!? Would they!? Ha!

You can be the last lady laughing, too, and prove that disco is not only the lessons of the past but also remains as the style of the future with this Women’s Disco Sensation Dress. Made of comfortable polyester—what else for the 70s!—this dress has a sweetheart top and is perfectly form fitting. The outrageous pattern of color on the outside of the dress is psychedelic and made even better with the glinting of silver sequins. Finish off the look with the matching headband and you’ll be transported right back into the grooviest of decades and ready to boogie oogie oogie all night.

Disco Sensation Dress Costume for Women


So, you fancy yourself a disco sensation? That's awesome! We want your autograph. At the very least we want to see you bust a move! We bet when you step out on those polished hardwood floors, under the glittering disco ball, that it is nothing short of groovy. 

We aren't much for dancing. It's not that we don't love to try, it's just that we look like we're in pain when we dance. We aren't in pain, to be clear, it just seems to look that way, due to our general lack of coordination. That's okay, that's why we're happy here in the present day rather than in the 1970's! As much fun as the 70's would have been, it is no place for someone with our lack of disco prowess. Maybe once you get your costume, you can show us how it's done! 


This costume is one groovy piece of work! It's made of 100% polyester, and comes in the form of a minidress, with an elegant v-neck, and long bellbottom sleeves. The dress comes covered in a psychedelic pattern which is accented with a vibrant array of sequins! If this dress was an ice cream sundae, then the headband that comes with it would be the cherry on top! The headband is made of the same fabric as the dress and is the final touch on your 70's style costume.


Once you get your costume, you will have everything you'll need to become a dancing queen! You'll have the dress, the headband, and the ability to actually dance! (lucky you) All you will need now is some music. Our recommendation? Easy! Dancing Queen by ABBA. There is no better song for a disco girl like yourself. Now get out there and cut a rug!
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