Sexy Retro Stewardess Fancy Dress Costume for Women

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Sexy Retro Stewardess Fancy Dress Costume for Women

Manufacturer: California Costume Collection

Women's Sexy Retro Stewardess Costume

Do you remember the days when flying was a glamorous endeavor? Flight attendants were treated like movie stars and pilots were the rockstars of their day. Even though those days are long gone, flying can still be fun and enjoyable - even for the stewardess!

Look like you just got off a plane in the early 1960s with this retro stewardess costume. You've been all over the world and now it's time to have some fun! The first stop is drinks with the girls, and then it's over to Pilot John's party. After all, you deserve some fun when you fly the world the way the world wants to fly!

This retro stewardess dress will transport you back to the time of great service, when flying was still a novelty and everyone wanted to be in on the action! The form-fitting turquoise pullover dress has wide, white lapels and is styled to look like a pencil skirt with a jacket. The classic pillbox hat has loops for bobby pins so you can securely fasten it to your hair for all night wear. The costume also includes a necktie that’s sewn to an elastic band so you don’t have to worry about tying a tie this Halloween! Top it all off with some added and essential details. Start with the plastic pilot’s wings flight pins that have an antique brass tone. Then add the mini satchel purse to store all of your necessities. The purse measures 9x7x2 - just big enough to fit everything you need for your next layover!

Sexy Retro Stewardess Fancy Dress Costume for Women


We've been warning pilots for decades to watch out when flying over the oceans. There are just certain zones that are way too dangerous and unpredictable. The Bermuda Triangle is, of course, the most famous. But, there are plenty of sites that just have some seriously weird energies going on. So, if you're a flight attendant and you notice your pilot going a little bonkers and heading towards a giant rift in the sky... just be ready.

Time portals are not for everyone. You should have a dedicated Time Lord or at least nuclear scientist or crazy old garage inventor along if you plan for any shifts back in time. If, however, your pilot doesn't listen and you find yourself zapped into that Pre-Pan-Am Retro world, things are definitely going to be a little different. First off, they're going to be calling you a stewardess and the attire is definitely something else!


Whether you've found yourself already zapped through time or just want to prepare in case you expect you might some day be, we've got the retro stuff to get you in classic style. Slide into this Sexy Retro Stewardess Women's Costume and you'll feel in charge of your flight deck. This sky blue, form-fitting pullover dress is styled to look like a pencil skirt and jacket. The matching pillbox hat and mini purse are the perfect accessories to compliment the design while the white necktie gives a great accent to the wide collar.


Take charge of the plane, because that pilot can't be trusted to avoid that Bermuda energy vortex! Fortunately, with the right retro style, you'll have no problem commanding the attention of all your passengers. Just get the lines memorized because everyone forgets to put their mask on themselves, first, and they're certainly going to need it!
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