Ladies Sexy Dark Alice Costume

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Ladies Sexy Dark Alice Costume

Manufacturer: California Costume Collection

Sexy Dark Alice Costume

Not every adventure through Wonderland can be innocent and full of fun. That world is in a constant war zone between the Red Queen always trying to release that darn Jabberwocky and the White Queen having to find a means to an end. Sometimes battles are lost and friends are gone forever... kind of a major downer, right?Well, all the pain and suffering happening in Wonderland has made Alice take on a new slightly gothic look. The little girl in blue has grown up and upgraded to a woman in black. You can match Alice's new edgy style with this Women's Dark Alice Costume! This outfit will be perfect for this coming Halloween or if you'd like to stand out at your next cosplay event! You can tell everyone about the dark rabbit hole you crawled out of and all of the tragic events that took place during your most recent adventure through Wonderland. Everyone will be interested in hearing about the dark tale that brought on this gothic transformation. Once you impress them with your story you can continue to 'wow' everybody with your costume! All of your friends will want to take a closer look at the demented drawing of Wonderland natives printed on your apron and take in all the dark details.The costume will come with the perfect accessories already, thigh-high stockings and fingerless gloves, but a few more never hurts! Check out our dark Alice wig and make sure to grab a cute, yet dark, pair of heels to complete your head-to-toe transformation.

Ladies Sexy Dark Alice Costume

“But I don’t want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.

"Oh, you can’t help that," said the Cat: "we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad."

"How do you know I’m mad?" said Alice.

"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn’t have come here.”

As we’ve grown older, Alice has grown darker. She started out as a prudent Victorian girl in the books, a timid little thing who acted more as a tabula rasa for the bizarre creatures in Wonderland to bounce absurdities off of than an active player in the craziness. Then she became a little more animated -- literally. Now we know her as perhaps the wildest thing in the land of the macabre, whether she’s starring in twisted video games or going shoulder to shoulder with her twisted brethren to fight in wars for the very fate of Wonderland itself. It’s like the man once said: “Don’t get even -- get mad.”

We don’t blame her for losing it. You can only stand so many boastful dodo birds, allegorical nonsense about carpenters and walruses, philosophizing ethereal felines, and Jabberwocks with eyes of flame whiffling through the tulgey woods who burble as they come until it gets to you. What else could she do but dump her frumpy dress for something a little more sinister and walk on the wild side? It’d be like being the only banana in the monkey house.

If you’re a mad woman in a mad world, Alice is your girl. Our Dark Alice Costume comes with Victorian-inspired dress, thigh highs, and glovelettes so you can drive them crazy right back. Or tell cute stories about pepperpots, we’re fine with that too. Just whatever you do be nice to strangers, get to bed at a reasonable hour, and remember to call your mom on her birthday. We don’t endorse total mania.
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