Bose 771420-0010 SoundWear Companion Bluetooth Speaker - Black

Bose SoundWear Companion Portable Wireless Speaker from Tech For Less
Best price

Just $166.49

on Sun 22-Dec-2019

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Bose 771420-0010 SoundWear Companion Bluetooth Speaker - Black

Bose SoundWear Companion Portable Wireless Speaker

The Bose Sound Wear Companion is a wireless speaker that rests comfortably on your shoulders and moves with you as it delivers deep, clear sound.

Bose 771420-0010 SoundWear Companion Bluetooth Speaker - Black

Wear your favorite tunes with the black Bose SoundWear Companion. This around-the-neck speaker connects to your device via Bluetooth and directs music toward your ears using a pair of angled speakers. 771420-0010
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