Schwarzkopf Gliss Fiber Therapy Conditioner - 13.6 fl oz

Schwarzkopf Gliss Fiber Therapy Conditioner 13.6 oz from Walgreens
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Schwarzkopf Gliss Fiber Therapy Conditioner - 13.6 fl oz

Manufacturer: Schwarzkopf

Schwarzkopf Gliss Fiber Therapy Conditioner - 13.6 fl oz

Gliss Fiber Therapy: 1 Helps reconstruct damaged hair fibers, 2 Provides strong hair,* 3 Visibly healthy & shiny hair. Keratin-Reconstruction: Liquid Keratin reconstructs your hair and renews it by repairing damaged areas deep inside the hair and on its surface. Straight from Salon Technology: FiberCure - The formula with FiberCure technology helps to repair & reinforce the hair fibers in the hair structure. The hair fibers are renewed and sealed. What Extremely Damaged Hair Needs - Frequent blow-drying, heat styling or coloring cause hair to become rough and unable to retain nutrients. It requires repair to strengthen the inner hair fibers. Straight from Salon Technology Fiber Reinforcement Gliss Hair Repair with Liquid Keratin *With shampoo & conditioner. Made in Germany

Schwarzkopf Gliss Fiber Therapy Conditioner 13.6 oz

Reconstructs microbonds in the hair fibers. Long-lasting Protection. Visible Improved Hair Quality..Reconstructs microbonds in the hair fibers.Long-lasting Protection.Visible Improved Hair Quality.
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