White Glitter Cloud Shaped Coaster (Set of 4)

White Glitter Cloud Shaped Coaster (Set of 4) from Kate Aspen & Baby Aspen
Best price

Just $0.70

on Sat 07-Nov-2020

at Kate Aspen & Baby Aspen


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White Glitter Cloud Shaped Coaster (Set of 4)

White Glitter Cloud Shaped Coaster (Set of 4)

Who says that coasters are have to be boring? Kate Aspen's White Glitter Cloud Shaped Coaster, available in sets of four, feature a smiling cloud in sparkling white glitter. The perfect accompaniment to your baby shower décor, these coasters protect tabletops and other surfaces from water stains, while adding a whimsical touch of sweet fun. Features and Facts: White glitter cloud-shaped EVA coaster with cutout eyes and smile. Measures approximately 4.33"h x 0.11"h Available in sets of 4
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