Citrus Slice Bottle Opener

Citrus Slice Bottle Opener from Kate Aspen & Baby Aspen
Best price

Just $1.33

on Sun 06-Oct-2019

at Kate Aspen & Baby Aspen


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Citrus Slice Bottle Opener

Citrus Slice Bottle Opener

It's time to pop the top on the festivities, and what better way to do that than with Kate Aspen's Citrus Slice Bottle Opener? Bottle openers are a favor favorite, and these are especially refreshing thanks to citrus slice design on shining gold-toned metal. Features and Facts: Gold bottle opener in the shape of a citrus slice with a bottle opening mechanism in the center. Measures approximately 2.67"w x 2.67"h x 0.15"d Ribbon and hang tag packaging.
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