French Perfume Keychain with Mirror

French Perfume Keychain with Mirror from Kate Aspen & Baby Aspen
Best price

Just $1.71

on Sat 07-Nov-2020

at Kate Aspen & Baby Aspen


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French Perfume Keychain with Mirror

French Perfume Keychain with Mirror

If you're looking for a small gift after your bachelorette party or wedding, look no further than Kate Aspen's French Perfume Keychain with Mirror. This compact mirror keychain favor a unique, super chic design and a handy mirror for fashion checks on-the-go. Features and Facts: Gold finished flat metal in the shape of perfume bottle with a mirror back. Epoxy sticker front in pink, black and white bears phrase "Parfum Paris" along with image of a black ribbon wrapped around bottle neck and tied into bow.Hand wash only.Keychain measures 1.97" w x 3.03" h x 0.12" d (5.51" h with keychain); Packaged product measures 2.6" w x 7" h x 0.19" d.
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