Pink Champagne Favor Box (Set of 12)

Pink Champagne Favor Box (Set of 12) from Kate Aspen & Baby Aspen
Best price

Just $9.42

on Sat 07-Nov-2020

at Kate Aspen & Baby Aspen


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Pink Champagne Favor Box (Set of 12)

Pink Champagne Favor Box (Set of 12)

Kate Aspen's Pink Champagne Favor Box are the perfect unique favor for any bachelorette party, bridal shower, wedding, or birthday party celebration. These unique favor boxes are made from cardstock with a champagne bottle applique on the front. Sold in sets of 12, the Pink Champagne Favor Box makes small favors for large parties easy! Features and Facts: White with gold foil bubbles trapezium favor box. It has an applique on the front and the back of the favor box. The applique is a pink bottle of champagne with gold foil details. The label on the bottle says "Cheers to you" and the text on the neck of the bottle spells "Celebrate" Measures 1.96" w x 2.16" d x 4.52" h Sold in sets of 12 Made from sturdy cardstock
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