Rustic Kraft Tent Favor Box (Set of 12)

Rustic Kraft Tent Favor Box (Set of 12) from Kate Aspen & Baby Aspen
Best price

Just $14.00

on Tue 16-Apr-2019

at Kate Aspen & Baby Aspen


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Rustic Kraft Tent Favor Box (Set of 12)

Rustic Kraft Tent Favor Box (Set of 12)

Put favors on display at your rustic charm baby shower with Kate Aspen's Rustic Kraft Tent Favor Box, sold in a set of 12. Features and facts:Kraft tent-shaped favor box features a PVC flower shaped window on the front and a white lace pattern on the top of the treat bagSold in a set of 12 favor boxesMeasures 2.99" w x 1.65" d x 5" h
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