Elegant Lace Kimono Robe - Aqua (Personalization Available)

Elegant Lace Kimono Robe - Aqua (Personalization Available) from Kate Aspen & Baby Aspen
Best price

Just $9.94

on Sat 07-Nov-2020

at Kate Aspen & Baby Aspen


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Elegant Lace Kimono Robe - Aqua (Personalization Available)

Elegant Lace Kimono Robe - Aqua (Personalization Available)

Kate Aspen's Elegant Lace Kimono Robe in Aqua makes getting ready for your big day even more special! Features and facts:Silky aqua polyester robe with lace trim and tie waist. One size fits most; Hand wash onlyFront and back personalization available for an additional costRobe measures 21.25" waist, 20.86" shoulder to shoulder, and 51.96" sleeve tip to sleeve tip.
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