Little Peanut Elephant Shaped Candle (Set of 4)

Little Peanut Elephant Shaped Candle (Set of 4) from Kate Aspen & Baby Aspen
Best price

Just $15.40

on Sat 07-Nov-2020

at Kate Aspen & Baby Aspen


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Little Peanut Elephant Shaped Candle (Set of 4)

Little Peanut Elephant Shaped Candle (Set of 4)

These endearing Little Peanut elephant-shaped candles by Kate Aspen are most definitely not irr-elephant to your list of perfect pink elephant baby shower decorations or elephant themed birthday party favors. They'll look oh-so-cute as table decorations, or pack them away with tulle and ribbon to give to all your guests! Features and facts:Gray elephant-shaped tea light candleSet of 4Measures 1.73" h x 2" w x 2.3" dComes displayed in a clear box with pink polka dots and white satin ribbon

Shed some light on your excellent gift-giving abilities by presenting your baby shower guests with these darling elephant candle party favors.Set of 4Gray and pink elephant candle Comes displayed in a PVC box with pink polka dots and white satin ribbonMeasures 1.73" h x 2" w x 2.3" d
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