Gold Champagne Shaped Bottle Opener

Gold Champagne Shaped Bottle Opener from Kate Aspen & Baby Aspen
Best price

Just $5.39

on Sat 07-Nov-2020

at Kate Aspen & Baby Aspen


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Gold Champagne Shaped Bottle Opener

Gold Champagne Shaped Bottle Opener

Love the look of champagne but prefer the taste of a pop-top beverage? Kate Aspen's Gold Champagne-Shaped Bottle Opener is the perfect two-in-one favor, shaped like a champagne bottle but perfect for popping the top on your favorite libation. This fun, unique bottle opener has "Cheers to You" engraved on it and makes a great favor for guests at your wedding, bridal shower, bachelorette party or birthday. Features and Facts: Shiny gold champagne bottle-shaped bottle opener. On the front is spells outs "Cheers to you" Measures approximately 1.29"w x 4.21"h x 0.19"d Decorative ribbon and tag packaging
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