Puppy Porcelain Bank

Puppy Porcelain Bank from Kate Aspen & Baby Aspen
Best price

Just $27.99

on Sat 07-Nov-2020

at Kate Aspen & Baby Aspen


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at {{SHOP2}}

Puppy Porcelain Bank

Puppy Porcelain Bank

Baby Aspen's Puppy Porcelain Bank isn't a piggy bank, but an ageless and genderless puppy bank that takes the shape of a charming white porcelain Dachshund! Features and Facts:Dachshund shaped white porcelain bank with gray ears, gray tail, black eyes, nose, and mouth, and a red collar holding a real silver tag that reads "Good Dog!" Bank measures 3.5" w x 5.3" h x 9.8" d Packaged product measures 5.51" w x 6.49" h x 12.99" d Packaged with a hang tag and inside of a white box with photo sticker. Sold in sets of 1 bank Hand painted porcelain
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