Marriage Milestones Wine Bottle Label - Floral (Set of 6)

Marriage Milestones Floral Wine Bottle Label (Set of 6) from Kate Aspen & Baby Aspen
Best price

Just $10.00

on Sat 07-Nov-2020

at Kate Aspen & Baby Aspen


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Marriage Milestones Wine Bottle Label - Floral (Set of 6)

Marriage Milestones Floral Wine Bottle Label (Set of 6)

Kate Aspen's Marriage Milestones Wine Bottle Labels are a treat to celebrate each time the newly married couple reaches a new milestone! The set of six wine bottle labels provide six great gift ideas, with a bottle celebrating everything from the first night all the way to the first anniversary. To apply the wine bottle label of your choice, simply remove the existing label on a bottle of wine, dry the bottle off, and replace it with the appropriate milestone for the bottle you wish to give. As a wedding shower gift idea, this is one unique gift that keeps on giving!Features and Facts: Adhesive wine bottle labels (not waterproof) in a vintage floral design featuring 6 married life milestones like wedding night, first anniversary, first Christmas, first Valentine's Day, first house, and first baby.Suggested application: Remove store label from wine bottle, make sure bottle is dry, apply personalized label where store label was located.Sold in 1 set of 6 wine bottle labels.Measures 4" w x 4.7" h.

Marriage Milestones Wine Bottle Label - Floral (Set of 6)
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