Vandoren B40 Lyre Bb Clarinet Mouthpiece B40 Lyre - 13 Series

Vandoren B40 Lyre Bb Clarinet Mouthpiece B40 Lyre - 13 Series from Music & Arts
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Vandoren B40 Lyre Bb Clarinet Mouthpiece B40 Lyre - 13 Series

Vandoren B40 Lyre Bb Clarinet Mouthpiece B40 Lyre - 13 Series

Based on the original B40 but slightly more open. This mouthpiece is designed to use soft reeds without sacrificing the sound quality of a stronger reed (centered and compact).Ligature: Not IncludedMaterial: Ebonite

Vandoren B40 Lyre Bb Clarinet Mouthpiece B40 Lyre 13 Series

Based on the original B40 but slightly more open. This mouthpiece is designed to use soft reeds without sacrificing the sound quality of a stronger reed (centered and compact).Ligature: Not Included
Material: Ebonite

Based on the original B40 but slightly more open. This mouthpiece is designed to use soft reeds without sacrificing the sound quality of a stronger reed centered and compact.Ligature Not IncludedMaterial Ebonite

Manufacturer: Vandoren

Based on the original B40 but slightly more open. This mouthpiece is designed to use soft reeds without sacrificing the sound quality of a stronger reed (centered and compact). Ligature: Not Included
Material: Ebonite
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