"Just Hitched" Cowboy Boot Bottle Opener

"Just Hitched" Cowboy Boot Bottle Opener from Kate Aspen & Baby Aspen
Best price

Just $4.69

on Sat 07-Nov-2020

at Kate Aspen & Baby Aspen


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"Just Hitched" Cowboy Boot Bottle Opener

"Just Hitched" Cowboy Boot Bottle Opener

Give guests the best of the West, and watch them pop their tops! Yes, you'll be giving family and friends the boot with this debonair bottle opener, and they won't give a hoot! Features and facts:Color(s): Antique brass finishMaterials: MetalDetails: Boot-shaped, metal bottle opener with antique-brass finish. Gift presentation includes printed lace trim on Kraft backer card embellished with a natural-twine bow (gift presentation trim is not personalized). Optional Personalized Tag Available - Assembly is Required Dimensions: Opener measures 3 1/2" hSelling Unit: EachMinimum Quantity W/O Personalization: EachAssembly Required: None

Give guests the best of the West, and watch them pop their tops! Yes, you'll be giving family and friends the boot with this debonair bottle opener, and they won't give a hoot! Features and facts:Boot-shaped, metal bottle opener with antique-brass finishOpener measures 3 1/2" hOptional Personalized Tag Available- Assembly is RequiredGift presentation includes printed lace trim on Kraft backer card embellished with a natural-twine bow (not personalized)
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